
Maria’s full name is Viktoria Maria Werner, and she is a real Berliner. Well, not quite: born in Humenné, Slovakia, she has been a resident of Berlin-Mitte and the Torstraßenkiez for more than four decades. That counts.

By training Maria is a fashion designer.

Maria’s work focuses on painting, applying historical techniques and materials mainly to portraits and 1970’s architecture.


1997 - Group exhibition at “IX. Torbogen-Galerie”, Berlin

2022 & 2023 - Participating in “Lange Nacht der Bilder” at StudiosID, Berlin

2023 - Group exhibition at “Betonfuchs 2023”, Berlin

2024 - Group exhibition at “Artbox.Project Basel 3.0”, Basel

2024 - Part of #dubistamzugberlin during July and August

2024 (coming) - Group exhibition at “Swiss Art Expo”, Zurich



André’s full name is Jean André Philippe Colas. He came to Berlin in 1994. While that’s quite a while by today’s standards, he too only counts as “zujezogen”.

By training, André is an architect.

André’s work focuses on photography.